Bonnie told TshisaLIVE she was humbled by the response to it so far, particularly from those who said they were grateful to have products that cater to them.
“It really moved me how people were seeing themselves in the product. The word that kept coming up was representation. Women have been crying out for so long to be recognised in the beauty space. There has been this universal idea of what beauty is and it is only starting now to be challenged. The sense was that ‘oh wow! Now we are all allowed to be in same space. The ideal version of beauty is not light-skinned or a certain shade.”
Bonnie said that she teamed up with the brand to create products for her particular skin tone after struggling to find the exact products she needed.
“People have different skin tones and shades and I am not saying Bonnie for Yardley is catering to all of those. But I now know that there is a demand for this and we are working on more products to cater to more women, with other skin tones. That is what I want to see, people represented and feeling like they are beautiful.”